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South Wellfleet, MA 170 US 6, South Wellfleet, Massachusetts 02663
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Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
291 State Highway, Route 6, South Wellfleet, Massachusetts, 02663
Category: Family / Kids
About us
Before you go
Your Lodging Of Choice

Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

Located directly across the street from our motel, Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary offers 937 acres of unrivaled beauty and peaceful setting on the shoreline of Wellfleet Harbor. With more than 5 miles of nature trails, visitors can enjoy access to the barrier beach, salt marsh land, and pine woodlands attracting a diverse assortment of wildlife. The Sanctuary also features professional exhibits, a "green" nature center, and aquariums.


Hours -

Open Daily.


  • Open to the Public.
  • Special event and program prices may apply.


  • Cape Cod Natural History Conference
  • Seachange at WHAT
  • Ocean Conservation Film Series


  • Exhibits
  • Summer Camps
  • Nature Trails
  • Camping
  • Private Functions

Sanctuary guidelines

For the safety of visitors and to avoid conflicts with wildlife, the sanctuary asks that you read the guidelines of the park at http://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/wellfleet-bay/sanctuary-guidelines.

The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is 937 acres and has 5 miles of trails.

The Sanctuary features expansive views of the bay and sky spread out over 937 acres. Experience hiking and biking on 5 miles of scenic nature trails and enjoy hands-on interactive wildlife cruises in Nauset Marsh and Wellfleet Harbor.


  • What kinds of activities are available at the Sanctuary?

    The Sanctuary offers quite a few programs, classes and activities for visitors, including educational nature-based programs, Cape Cod field schools, adult and college group classes.
  • Where can I read about news & current events?

    To read up on the current news and upcoming events at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, go to http://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/wellfleet-bay/news-events.

Helpful Links


Driving Direction to Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
or Wellfleet Motel & Lodge
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